What is the VistaCube?
VistaCube is a SDK to control RAONTECH micro display and it includes API/DemoCode/Utilities in source level. If using RAONTECH EV board to evaluate it, we recommend to use VistaStudio which is a GUI based Tool.
Where can I find porting guide manuals?
You can learn more about how to port VistaCube in our website blog.
Downloaded file is compressed. And I don’t know a password
Our tool is protected by a password. Only identified customers are allowed to use it.
I think password is correct, but decompressing fails consistently
Try it out with other upzip tools such as 7zip.
Which files should be downloaded for display?
below files are mandatory list.
- Firmware image (.hex): Embedded SW in RDC. It configures the RDC/RDP with init LUT for RDC/RDP.
- RDC Controller(Driver IC) init LUT (.rega) : Initial file for pure register values in RDC
- Gamma LUT (.lut) : Gamma calibration values for target panel display.
- RDP Panel int LUT (.rega) : Initial file for pure register values in RDP.
- Bootlogo (.bmp) : Default image displayed when no video input signal and the image format has to be 160x96 24bit bitmap.
- Firmware configuration (.cfg) : File used to configure RDC input/output port parameters and some of config flags.
- FileList (.txt) : Kind of metadata for file download. (It is created automatically by VistaStudio, but you has to edit manually if using VistaCube.)
the files below enable additional features < Contact us for more details >
- [Optional] CoKOA (.lut) : Correction of Keystone and Optical Aberrations files.
- [Optional] OSD (.lut) : On Screen Display Images files.
- [Optional] Panel HC (.lut): Panel Horizontal correction files.
- [Optional] Panel VC (.lut): Panel vertical correction files.